Wednesday 6 June 2012

Camping trip #2

Ah, yes! Camping has its joys, for sure! And one of them is the preparation. Not to mention the packing.

"Have you got everything?", my husband asked me.


"Have you checked your list?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I Am!!"


Or so I thought.

Until we had driven two or so hours into the Wheatbelt, climbed some rocks, had a picnic with lots of bush flies, found a campsite, lit a fire for our barbecue dinner, and set up the rest of the camping gear. Lovely spot!

Until I thought, "Right. Time to get dinner sorted."

Until I opened the esky to pull out the sausages for the night's dinner......only to discover that I had, in fact, pulled the chicken drumsticks out of the freezer at home that morning instead of the sausages. Oh oh.

G just looked at me.

I was not popular with the girls either!

But the egg and bacon rolls we had for dinner were rather yummy.

And the esky did stay extra cold for the duration of our trip, thanks to the defrosting chicken. Which made a yummy casserole the night after we got home.

Hmmmm. My list and I need to have a chat!

Sam xx

PS The trip was brilliant!

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